It's Sunday of May long, I love a long weekend when on Sunday night you are not going into panic mode. What will we have for supper tomorrow night after work/daycare? Packing lunch. Trying to remember if you need to take another bag of diapers to daycare. You get the point. Organzing for the week. I have another day to well organize my life.
Tomorrow the rest of the laundry will get done, and yes, put away! (yes often we are picking clothes out of the basket for the better part of the week). The rest of the may get cleaned, we will most definately make it to the park, and will mostlikely bbq both lunch and supper to reduce the number of dishes we have to wash.
So what has been happening this weekend. We have been busy. Chris worked late Friday, I took Friday off work so the kids and I drove up to Saskatoon to visit a few friends.
Before heading up the kids and I went out to get some groceries. When we got home I was unloading groceries and they wanted to play outside the rain had stopped, so I put Maddie onto the little quad she could push around the yard. She quickly decided the puddle was much better! Parental supervision probably could have prevented her attempted to blow bubble in the mud puddle her brother was jumping in.
So I did what any good Mom would do, went and got the camera! Took pictures! Then stripped the baby down outside and gave her a bath.
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Not sure it tasted good, but she continued to put her face in the water. |
After lunch the kids and I made our trip up to Saskatoon. We came back Saturday afternoon, so it was a quick trip, sorry for those who I did not call, you will be on the list next time:)
Friday night the kids and I hung out with the Hauschild-Coutts clan. Thank you for letting up invade your house, the kids played so well together! Once the kids were in bed a group of Mom's met a Moxies for a drink, it was nice to get out!
Saturday morning we went to the zoo. Will's favorite animals were the bears and feeding the geese. We completed our trip with lunch at the zoo then the kids and I headed back to Regina. Both kids must have been exhausted as they were asleep before Grasswood's Esso and slept all the way to Regina, generally they wake when we slow down to go through Chamberlain. So to say the least it was a quiet drive back.
Hanging out with Reid and Anna |
Feeding Geese at the Zoo |
Enjoying the view |
Yes, this is classic Will, shorts, ball cap and rubber boots. PS, thanks for the sweater Cam, now Wills favorite! |
Lunch |
Two sleeping kids! So peaceful |
Sunday we were busy planting garden, Chris cut the grass, the kids helped him put mud flaps on the truck and we hit up the park. Another busy day!
Will was excited to be seeding, like Grandpa Peter. Only we were planting peas and cucumbers not canola. I was also informed that Grandpa seeds with his John Deere tractor, apparently that is better.
Will planting |
Seeds got into the garden, not necessarily the rows... |
Madelyn liked picking 'flowers' |
Kids enjoyed strawberries and a drink up in the playstructure while Daddy cut the grass. |
Again parental supervision may have prevented our children from crawling around under the truck. |
So now we have one more day to enjoy relaxing or atleast not having to be anywhere at a specific time. Hope everyone who gets tomorrow off gets to enjoy some family time!