If there is such things a perfect work day, today would have to be close. Here is a recap of the day:
6:40 - Will woke up (this is actually sleeping in for our house). And yes this means I slept until 6:40. Chris was out of town so this sleep in was a welcomed treat!
6:50 - I get dressed, ready for work.
7:00 - Madelyn woke up and gets dressed.
7:05 - Will is dressed (I have to say Will dressing himself can save a few minutes in the morning, as long as he is not cooperating or it can takes twice as long!)
7:08 - Cinnamon toast is being consumed.
7:18 - We brush teeth.
7:20 - Vitamins consumed and shoes and hats installed on kids.
7:22 - Loading into the car to go to daycare. Will is carrying his container of homemade Oreo cookies we made last night, as he was so excited to take them and share with his friends. Apparently they were a hit.
7:33 - Arrive at daycare (early...gasp)
7:56 - Arrive at work (early...gasp)
4:30 - Leave work (I might add that my list of things to do was not longer then when I arrived, this equates to a good day!)
4:50 - Arrive at daycare, pick up kids.
5:03 - Arrive home to Chris having supper started.
5:25 - Eat supper. Both kids ate good maybe because we had Grandpa Peter's sausage and noodles.
5:50 - Out the door to go swimming at the outdoor pool.
7:20 - Home from the pool for popcorn and milk
8:00 - 2 kids in bed.
Why was this close to a perfect work day. I had no issues in the morning with picking out clothes (sometimes Madelyn goes through multiple outfits before one is acceptable) or eating breakfast (kids generally eat good, but when you are in a rush always seems to backfire). Kids had a good day at daycare and me at work. Then we ended the night having some summer fun. Kids had an absolute blast swimming at the pool. After about an hour poor Madelyn started turning blue and shaking so we knew it was time to head home. We were trying out our waterproof camera, but the batteries died before we got too many shots, probably because we were recycling batteries out a remote for it. Note to self: remember to buy AAA batteries.
Will trying to contain himself while we tried to get a picture of him jumping in! |
The splash is from Will jumping in! Madelyn was waiting her turn and is now on her way! |