The art of decorating a Christmas Tree with kids:
1) only have plastic, none breakable ornaments.
2) lay them out on couch.
3) let them go to town.
4) don't worry if the mutiple ornaments are on the same branch.
5) try to prevent the tree from tipping over.
6) sit back and enjoy because in 10 years you will be fighting with them to help.
Checking out the decorations, Will would separate out shapes and put all of one shape on first then move to the next. |
Madelyn putting on decorations. She kind of enjoyed taking off more. |
Will made sure the tree was decorated all the way around. |
Will would load his fingers up with ornaments then head to the tree. Efficiency at its finest. |
More decorating, Will loved decorating the tree this year. He probably hung well over half the decorations. |
Finished product. Not sure what Will's face is about..... |