Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Queen City Exhibition Parade

Grandpa David and Grandma Linda came in to go to the parade with the kids and I. They changed the time of the parade to 7 pm, not sure I liked the new time of the parade, but a good time was had by all!

Abigail came too, but she spent most of her time hanging out with Grandma.

Will was a tad disappointed that there was no fire truck at the end of the parade like their usually is and as always this parade never has much in terms of farm machinery.

Still a wonderful evening out!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Swimming Lessons

William and Madelyn took in swimming lessons with their cousins again this year.  This is the last parented swim class for Madelyn. Big cousin Emma helped her most of the week while Chris, Abigail and I were in Regina and then Chris was in the water with her for the last two classes. All the kids did great and had fun which is the important part. Madelyn complete Sea Turtle and is now onto Sea Otter.  William finished Sunfish and is moving into Crocodile. 

Abigail got to come watch swimming lessons on Thursday and Friday. I have to say she was impartial to attending but was a trooper.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Quiet Here

Will and Maddy are out at the farm taking swimming lessons with some of their cousins. Sure makes it quiet around here. 

They have been looking forward to going swimming with their cousins for over a week, so were super excited to head to the farm yesterday!

I know they are having a blast, we can't wait to head out Wednesday and see the big kids again! In the mean time I have cleaned a bit, snuggled Abigail and I think I can say I am almost caught up on laundry!

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Think this will Repeat?

Abigail rocked the sleep department last night: 830pm to 2am to 5 am to still sleeping at 8am. Think it will repeat any time in the future?

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Abigail's appointment

The kids and I took Abigail to her 10 day, well actually 11 day doctor appointment today.  She is doing well and weighs 6lbs 15oz. This means she has already exceeded her birth weight, which is great. 

Right now Abigail loves to sleep from about 11 or 1130 in the morning until 3 or so in the afternoon, usually her longest stretch of sleep. At night we have been able to get her down by 830 or 9 ish and then she seems to be up every 2-3 hours to eat. Typical newborn, hoping for some more 4 hr night time stretches in the near future. In the meantime, don't call my house between 1 and 230 in the afternoon as I maybe trying to catch a few minutes of sleep while Madelyn naps and Will watches a movie.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

First Real Tubby

Abigail's first real tubby at home. A lot less screaming then we anticipated, until she came out.

I think I would rather sleep!
What is this....

Madelyn was a huge help bathing Abigail!   She sure loves her little sister and is always wanting to help, from getting diapers, to reminding me to give Abigail her vitamins, to helping me nurse her, burp her, and always wanting to hold her.

Will also loves his baby sister but gets bored of her a bit quicker. However he loves to show he toys and is the first to give her good night hugs and kisses.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

One week

Hard to believe Abigail is one week old today! We are settling in well, getting used to having a baby and diapers etc. in the house again. 

Will and Madelyn are loving their little sister, sometimes a bit too much.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Abigail Florence Bettschen

IAbigail was born July 6th at 11:00am. She takes the cake for my quickest delivery, we arrived at the hospital at 9:45am. Yes people we were at the hospital just over an hour before she was born!

Everyone is doing great, Will and Madelyn were very excited to meet Abigail.

When they came Madelyn got her two babies too, a boy and a girl. She has been calling the girl baby Abigail (used to be Mommy) and the boy baby Nobody or Daddy.

The girls now officially out number the boys, and the girls were right, baby was a girl, boys were wrong. Although Will always referred to the baby as she and her so I that is why I thought girl, he always insisted the baby would be a boy. 

Now for the pictures.

Friday, 5 July 2013


We are headed to a BBQ tonight and bringing dessert, I think they will be a hit!
Finished product - lady bugs and hamburgers!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Spray Pad

Cousin Haley Visits

We were thrilled to have cousin Haley and her drivers (aka Uncle Bob and Auntie Beth) down for the long weekend! What a great visit, complete with a trip to the beach and Canada Day celebrations at the leg and a campfire in the yard complete with hot dogs, bush pies, s'mores, and sparklers! 

The kids are definitely in Uncle, Aunt and Cousin withdrawal! 

Baby Update

No baby yet. 

We are waiting patiently, hopefully within the next week. 

In the meantime, the kids and I are enjoying trips to the spray park by morning and AC in the afternoons.