Well a tad but late but Abigail is 6 months old. At six month Abigail was/is sitting up on her own, pushing herself backwards, rolling both front to back and back to front, getting up on all fours and rocking but has yet to figure out how to go forwards even though she really wants too.
She is starting to eat some solids, so far her favourites are sweat potatoes, pears and banana/strawberries. She still prefers to spit most food out, puréed or pieces but it is coming.
Abigail loves her siblings and laughs out loud at Will daily! Her littles hands are working better and better grabbing toys, eating them and getting a hold of this she should not have, like paper, iPad etc.
Sleep well she does not really like sleep too much. Usually naps 2-3 times a day depending up one what we have going on for about an hour to hour and half each. I usually end up laying her down awake and she snuggles her piggy and goes right to sleep. At night Abigail still wakes up frequently usually every 2-3 hours. Not for long but just enough to wake me up, nurse for a few minutes and go back to sleep. I am sure we could break this habit, but I keep hoping she will just grow out of it.
Abigail loves her tubby, jolly jumper, excersaucer and just like any kids toys that make noise and light up.
Today I took her for her 6 month shots and slim weighs 17lbs 8oz.
I love sitting up in the tub!
How did I get under here?