Wednesday 30 January 2013

Art Work

William has not been big on drawing or colouring, in fact Madelyn is generally more into these tasks.  This morning while drawing pictures and Will actually drew a face.  He then told me it was Grandpa David, then proceeded to draw Grandma and Auntie.

Pleased with his work! Notice the moustache?

Working on Auntie, who in the end had a big nose he said.

Sunday 27 January 2013

For a Laugh

What happens when Madelyn gets told No!

Notice how she looks up to see if you are watching? Its usually short lived and very humorous for us anyways.  Apparently it is tough being two! Oh and rules suck!

Regina Pats Game

We had been wanting to take the kids to a hockey game for a while now, and timing just never worked. With our buy one get one free admissions expiring the end of the month, we decided to head out last night.  The kids had a blast.  Will was figuring out all the rules and why the hockey players got sent for a time out. Madelyn enjoyed it as well, especially dancing to the music and watching all the people.

We left with about 10 minutes left in the third as Madelyn was starting to fall asleep in her chair and we wanted to beat the rush out of the parking lot.

Waiting for game to start!

Enjoying popcorn!

Puck that Will got (the free ones they throw out at intermission).  He was pretty excited.

Wednesday 23 January 2013


If you have young kids with a lot of energy and winter you need to consider putting them in gymnastics! 

The kids absolutely love gymnastics and ask every morning if it is gymnastics day!  Not only do the kids love it, it is great for teaching them hand-eye coordination, taking turns, and listening.  Plus they get to burn a lot of energy! They get to jump on trampolines, swing on bars like the monkeys they are, do somersaults, climbing, crawling through tunnels, balancing, sliding, climbing across bars etc. 

Sorry about the picture quality, I was using zoom a lot and no flashes are allowed.

Will doing a somersault

Madelyn stretching

Climbing up

Going down

Madelyn after her somersault

Will balancing!

Sunday 20 January 2013

Life is Going to Get Busier

You may have noticed that my blog posts have been fewer the last little while.  That is because we are expecting Bettschen Baby #3 in July, July 8th is the official date.  William was about a week late and Madelyn a week early so I guess we will see....

I have been tired and Chris has been travelling a fair bit for work, so we have been busy keeping up with work, meals, playing with kids and attempting to get the house cleaning and laundry etc. caught up on the weekends!

Will is super excited for the baby, he cannot wait until he can feel the baby move and is very into figuring out how the doctor will get the baby out of my tummy.  We just tell him we go to the hospital and the doctor takes the baby out.

Madelyn, well, she likes the concept of a baby, but she definitely does not want to share Mommy. I am glad we have some time to prepare her, and sooner or later she will run out of room on Mommy's lap so that may help.

We are excited for the new arrival to come in July, a summer baby will be a whole new experience for us. 

Birthday Party

Last weekend (Jan 12th) we had a birthday party for Will and Madelyn.  A bit thank you to all those who came out it was a great day and the kids had a blast.

We started the party off at the fire station. I have to say the firefighters were amazing teaching the kids about fire safety and letting them see inside the fire trucks and all their gear! Then we had everyone back to the house to play, gifts, pizza and cake! The pictures should sum the day up!

At the fire station

Learning about fire safety

Getting a boost out of firetruck!

Will wearing the fire fighter's coat, it was heavy!

Sitting on the truck

Playing baby!

Pin the moustache on the Lorax


Having cake!

Stories with cousins!

Cake the next day with cousins!

The Lorax

Madelyn's 2nd birthday cake!
Party treats, Lorax themed.
William's 4th birthday cake!

Sunday 13 January 2013

Madelyn turned 2!

Madelyn turned 2 on Friday (11th) this post is delayed as we were getting ready for a birthday party on Saturday.  So what are some of Madelyn's favourites at 2?

Colour - purple
Food - Taco wrappers
Be when you grow up - Princess
Book - Lorax
Song - Twinkle, twinkle little star
Show - Lorax
Think to do - Play with Grandma
Drink - Juice
Fruit - Blueberries
Treat - Chocolate
Cereal - Fruit Loops
Place to go - Museum (dinosaur one) aka Royal SK Museum
Favourite toy - Grandpa

Happy second birthday baby girl!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Happy 4th Birthday William!

Will turns 4 today! How did that happen so quickly? Here is what you need to know about Will at 4!

Favorite Colour - Black

Animal - T-rex

Food - Chicken and French Fries

Be when grow-up - Firefighter

Book - Firetrucks

Song - Jingle Bells

TV Show - Dragons, and Tarzan and ImagineX

Thing to do - Play with Police Set

Drink - Milk and Water and Apple Juice and Orange Juice

Fruit - Pears

Treat - liquorish and blue whales

Cereal - Lucky Charms

Place to go - My house

Favorite toy - every toy, I like all of them

Saturday 5 January 2013

Broadview Christmas

The last weekend of December we went out to have Christmas with the Bettschen's.  The kids had a blast at their second Christmas!

They both are very lucky to get such great gifts. 

We were happy to have Great Grandma Bettschen, aka Nancy, aka Nana out for supper on Sunday night.  She sure looks good for being 95! We missed getting pictures but I know she loved every minute of seeing the great grandchildren!

I have been trying to add pictures to this post for about 3 days but it is not working so I will try again in a few days.