Friday 28 March 2014

Nap transition

I am sure sleep and napping is one of the biggest challenges for parents of young children. Getting them into a naptime routine and then changing naptime requirement and how naps change bedtimes, meal times, moods. 

Of course Will at 5 doesn't nap. And hasn't for well over a year or so.

Madelyn is just over 3 and she is starting not to nap more and more. Up until about a month ago we would put her down for a nap around 1 and she would nap 1.5-2 hours and on a rare occasions a bit longer.  In the last month we have changed nothing but she often just does not fall asleep. I am still holding onto hope that she may continue napping once it warms up and we can get outside more and burn up more energy but I am not sure this will happen. Of course losing her nap has some advantages, going out in the afternoon is easier and by bedtime she is exhausted so crashes quickly. Also since her and Abigail's naps are opposite right now it is nice to have some time between 10-4 where you are not eating lunch or having a child napping. But there are still days when she really needs her nap or Mom really needs her to nap. 

Abigail recently switched from 3 to 2 naps. I think of all 3 kids she transitioned the easiest probably because we are often on the go so we were really just too busy to notice she stopped having a short supper time nap. When we are home Abigail likes to nap around 10-11ish and then again about 230-4ish. But she is fairly flexible especially with her morning nap!

Needless to say there are not many breaks in our house, however I do take advantage of some quiet time and let Will and if she does nap Madelyn watch some tv for a while in the afternoon, we all need the break for a few minutes each day!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Busy Baby

Abigail is one busy baby these days! It is exciting to see them learn and explore the world but also creates a lot more work. She is crawling everywhere, climbing stairs, pulling herself up onto everything and starting to cruise along furniture. At this rate she might just beat her brother in the walking department, I guess we will see. There is no question that she will be walking earlier then her sister did!

The other thing I just don't understand about babies is why they have to crawl into small spaces under things etc. 

Now for some pictures!

Ok, she is also half puppy as always seems to have a toy or something in et mouth as she crawls around. Never know when you may need it!

Generally Will and Madelyn are ok with Abigail moving except when she gets into their things, but they are learning quickly to keep their toys up or in their room. That paper books and crafts cannot be out and on the floor and that puzzles and games need to be played at the table. They are learning to make sure they close the baby gate and to watch where they are going as the baby is often by their feet!

Will is always concerned about Abigail, making sure she is safe and had lots of love. In fact one of the biggest problems is too much love from both Will and Maddy and them fighting over Abigail!


Well things have been busy here. With a very mobile baby, a three year old who is phasing out naps and a husband who was gone to Australia for two weeks.

Stay tuned for updates such as:
-Abigail's baptism
-busy baby
-losing naptimes
-lepraucan traps

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Tickle Tortures

I remember my older siblings doing this to me. Kids love getting tickled and ask us to tickle them all the time. Tickle tortures take it to a new level

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Shaving cream fun

Scavenger hunt in shaving cream. I hid little toys, beads, screws, Popsicle sticks, q tips, baby spoons etc. in the shaving cream for kids to find.


Some of the art.
Messy messy kids that went straight into the tub.

Shaving cream fun

Scavenger hunt in shaving cream. I hid little toys, beads, screws, Popsicle sticks, q tips, baby spoons etc. in the shaving cream for kids to find.


Some of the art.
Messy messy kids that went straight into the tub.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Mickey Mouse

We took the kids to Mickey's Rockin Road Show this weekend. They absolutely loved the show. Madelyn was so excited when Cinderella came out she was yell Hi Cinderella and waving to her. Will loved everything but I think the highlight for him was Buzz and Woody and the Army Men and of course Mickey!  Abigail bounced on my knee and chattered through the whole show - not bad for a baby that should have been napping! 

Just before the intermission Will leaned over and asked me if we could stay and watch the talent show (Mickey was looking for talent to perform in the show). I said of course we could and he said oh good because I think Madelyn would really like to see Cinderella perform. What a great big brother!

Disney never disappoints! What a great way to spend an afternoon, can't wait until we go to Disneyland and see it all... Only 9 more months...

Making Noodles

Will and Maddy have been asking to make noodles for a while now, finally got around to it this morning. This is what making noodles with my crew looks like.

As Will says this would have been cleaner Mom if we didn't help, but not nearly as fun  and the noodles would not taste nearly as good. Well said son, well said!

And yes the noodles we delish. Abigail also approved!

Meal plan

I seem to have been slacking on posting here lately. Anyways here is our meal plan for the week:

Lunch- egg noodles and chicken
Supper- fish and potatoes

Lunch- soup and grilled cheese
Supper- shephards pie

Shrove Tuesday
Lunch- pancakes obviously
Supper- minute steak and baked pasta

Ash Wednesday
Lunch- cream noodles
Supper- cheese pizza

Lunch- ham sausage, cheese crackers
Supper- taco lasagne

Lunch- leftovers
Supper- appetizers

Lunch- scrambled eggs and toast
Supper- leftovers