Wednesday 27 February 2013

Funny things kids say....

Anyone with kids knows they say funny things everyday,here are a few of the latest from our house!

Driving in the car discussing how we cannot drive too fast or we might get a ticket from the police officer. Will observes that then the police officer will take all of Mommy and Daddy's money. But that is ok because he and Maddy have money in there piggy banks. Madelyn chimes in "I have a McDonald's card" I guess she is contributing to the fund!

Will asks me if I know the Barbie girl song. I said yes. He says, " did you know there is a part about the potty". Me ummm no I don't think so Will. He responds "yes there is listen, come on Barbie, let's go potty!"

Will, "I better put on Lypsyl for K's birthday party, so my lips look pretty".

Stay tuned for more in the future!

The Spider

Setting the Stage:
Just arrived home from work/daycare.  Dad is gone to Calgary for the week. Kids decide to go play in the basement, I might add nicely, no fights, not yelling, just playing!  Mom is in the kitchen making spaghetti for supper.  Mom hears screaming and crying from basement.  Thinking, what are they fighting over now, I finish stirring the browning ground beef and head downstairs.

The Scene:
As I peer down the stairs I see Madelyn sitting on the floor sort of by the tv, with toys around her, freaking out, I cannot understand what she is saying, as I proceed down, now thinking maybe I should have not taken my time to stir the meat I see Will up on a table basically curled up in a fetal position, crying and pointing towards Madelyn. 

Apparently this is not another fight over a toy or how a specific game was to be played. 

A black spider is crawling on Madelyn's shirt.

Both kids are screaming "spider" and on the verge of hyperventilating because a spider (granted a bit bigger than many I have seen in the basement before) is crawling on Madelyn's shirt.  Will thinks the spider is going to bite Madelyn and hurt her, Madelyn is freaking out because well, Will is freaking out.  She has the whole arm flapping, heart racing, paralysed look to her.

Mommy gets a kleenex and squishes the spider.  Madelyn calms down once she see the spider squished up in the kleenex, but is not leaving my side.  Will is still on the table, still notably upset.  I go to help him down and give him a snuggle (note kleenex still in hand).  He freaks out and tells me to put it in the garbage before he will come down.  I comply.  Will comes off table.

1. I now have 2 spaghetti making helpers in the kitchen.
2. We have a lengthy discussion how spiders will not hurt you.  We don't have bad spiders that hurt you in Canada (I think Will had seen a show on dangerous bugs one time and there were some poisonous spiders on it).
3. We discuss what we do if we see a spider.  Do not cry or scream, just come and get Mommy or Daddy and we will squish it. Will added that he could also get his daycare lady or Auntie or Uncle or Grandma or Grandpa, any adult.  I agreed.
4. We do not call the police office or firefighter if we see a spider.  See list above for acceptable people to call.  Yes, Will did suggest he could call the police officer or firefighter if he seen a spider, because they keep you safe. We comply to the fact that police officers and firefighters, although could squish a spider are for big emergencies like a fire or if a bad guy is trying to hurt you.
5. We eat spaghetti.
6. We all go downstairs to play and clean up toys.  Kids cannot clean up toys because  they are on spider watch.  Will from his perch on the stairs, Madelyn from the Woody chair.
7. Eventually we all begin playing downstairs and kids decide the basement is now spider free.

Will tucks into bed, no concern about the "spider incident", Madelyn as well.... Ten minutes later, I hear screaming, there is a spider on me coming from Madelyn's room.  I go in calm her down explain there are no spiders, the stuffed monkey she is sleeping with will protect her from spiders.  All is well, tucked back in.  Five minutes later "Mommy spider, spider eating my arm." Again I go in calm her down, her poor little heart was beating so fast I thought it might jump out of her chest. I use "Spider Spray" in room to get rid of all the spiders. We are good, tucked in back out goes Mommy. Five minutes later, Spider Mommy, Spider on me". Mommy goes in and snuggles with Madelyn until she is basically asleep. Mommy sneaks out of room (now 9:00), waiting for the next spider incident.  All is quiet.  Mommy decides at 10pm that she best go to bed as she is convinced that there will be "Spider incidents" overnight, much to her surprise this does not occur and she has to wake up a very tired girl (who did not fall asleep until an hour after normal bedtime) for daycare at 7am.

I hope the kids do not find anymore spiders in the basement.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Water slides

Last weekend we decided to take a quick road trip to Saskatoon, we booked a room at the Travelodge hotel so we could take the kids water sliding! We had friends come over to join in the fun, and fun it was!

At first Will was not sure about the water slide, but after going down once, we could not keep him off! Madelyn was the same, only no hesitation to go the first time! Will wanted to go down on his own, so eventually we did let him, he loved it! In the morning he wanted to go faster so we told him to lay down! He loved it and kept going over and over!

Unfortunately, we were busy with the kids so did not get any pictures of the water sliding!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

20 Weeks

That right, 20 weeks! This baby is half done cooking or about half done cooking!

I am feeling good, tired but that is to be expected while running after two other kids, working and attempting to keep the house is some presentable shape!  Chris has definitely been pull more then his share at home!

Will is excited for the day he can feel the baby move in my tummy and is really interested to hear about when he was a baby or still in Mommy's tummy.

Madelyn is coming around, I am now able to hold the baby!  She is very cute and excited for the baby too, although I am not sure she really understands the big picture.  Last week she woke up one morning and said to me.  "Mommy, baby no sleep in my crib" (note: she has not been sleeping in a crib for months now).  I responded well when it gets close for the baby to come, you and Will can share a bed and the baby can sleep in the crib.  Her response: "No baby sleep downstairs in the blue room".  I guess we will see how the whole room sharing goes!

Of course, Madelyn has a baby in her tummy and will be sure to share this information with you if the topic of babies comes up.  She will also most definitely inform you that it is a baby girl, who she will name "Baby Girl".  Very creative!  Recently she has two babies in her tummy (on one occasion it has gone as high as three!)  Don't worry they are both baby girls and will be "Baby Girl" and "Girl Baby". 

We have our 20 week ultrasound next week!  We are hoping to see a healthy baby, with everything developing on track and "normal".  We will NOT be finding out if it is a boy or girl, we will be keeping everyone in suspense, including ourselves, until this little one enters into the world. 

Names are proving to be a challenge, every parent knows the stress that goes into naming a child.  I have to say we are definitely struggling this time.  Our veto list grows by the day!  I have faith that by the time the baby arrives we will have come up with some great options! We just have some many friends and family members that have used up many of the names we like!  And no we will not be sharing any name lists or options.  Again we will leave everyone in suspense! 

Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentines Day

Although we are not huge gift givers and Valentines Day celebrations, the kids love to celebrate these special days.

Chris got me some flowers and candy to share with the kids.

We got Chris a hockey shirt, aka Toronto Maple Leafs:)

For fun we had special valentines day food!

Madelyn having a case of the mornings, Yop and heart peanut butter and honey toast improved the mood!

Will had heart shaped cinnamon toast!

For supper heart shaped meatballs and pink rice!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Daycare Valentines

I thought this year the kids and I would make their Valentines for friends at daycare.  I decided on butterflies and mice.  Both kids helped make both but Madelyn will give out the butterflies and Will the mice.

The kids coloured, helped glue and cut the mice tails.

Butterflies before I added names

Mice before we added names. Says "Mice" to be your friend.

Will writing his name on valentines!

Gift for our daycare family. Says:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sundaes are Sweet,
The P- family is too!

Inside is a make your own Sundae kit!Complete with waffle dishes, fruit, chocolate and butterscotch sauce, sprinkles, whip cream cherries and of course ice cream!

Saturday 9 February 2013


A few Valentines crafts....

Valentine with googly eyes!

Will did all the gluing and placing himself!

Making a heart Valentine

Will cutting

And gluing

Finished product, Will only wanted to use blue, his favourite colour!

Madelyn mixed and matched!

Coloured Ice

I got this idea from a friend of mine.  Basically coloured ice sculptures.  Kids loved it, especially making the coloured ice and mixing colours, adding snow to the water to see what would happen etc. and yes we did have soaking wet mits and ski pants and coats and everything else!

Will adding snow to one of the tubs

And more!

Madelyn knocking down a tower!

Will Building!


Making a tower to knock over

And Will decided he should get his hockey stick out as these blocks make good pucks!

Mixing colours!

More mixing, the snow in the backyard is nicely coloured now!


Friday 8 February 2013

Things that make you say Awww!

The other day Will was telling Madelyn and I how he was going to be a firefighter when he gets big.  Then he turned to Madelyn and said "Maddy when you get big do you want to be a fire girl?"  Of course she did.  Then Will asked "Do you want to live at the same fire station as me?" Again of course she did. He concluded by saying "We can fight fires together, but since I am bigger I will make sure the fire does not hurt you!"

Moments like these make all the fights worth it. 

Since then they have continued to agree that they will be a fireman and a firegirl and live at the same firestation. 

They even invited me to come visit them at their fire station! Madelyn said I could sit beside her in the fire truck.

Saturday 2 February 2013