Tuesday 26 June 2012


Just a recap of a couple conversations from today.

Me: Will can Mommy have an extra kiss to put in her pocket and take to work for later.
Will: Mommy, you don't have any pockets in those pants.
Me: Good point, I could put it in my purse.
Will: I guess but don't lose it, your purse is pretty big.

Will: Mommy, do you remember when we seen Gainer the Gopher at the football field.
Me: Yes, I do.
Will: He was big for a gopher and stood on two legs.  I don't think gophers are supposed to stand on two legs, they stand on: one, two, three, four legs.
Me: Yes, Will you are right.
Will: Gainer the Gopher would not fit in Rusty's mouth.
Me: No but why would Gainer be in Rusty's mouth?
Will: because Rusty likes to eat gophers.
Me: Oh I see.
Will: I did not want to hug Gainer.
Me: Why not? Maybe if we see Gainer again you can hug him.
Will: No Mommy gophers are yucky.  I don't ever want to hug Gainer.

Will (sees a squirrel): Mommy I think I just saw Chip and Dale's friend.
Me: Really..
Will: Yes, or maybe it was Chip or Dale.
Me: Oh, I think it was probably their friend.
Will: I think you are right Mommy.

Me: Madelyn should we have a tubby then a snack?
Madelyn: Deal

Me: Madelyn let's put your jammies on then you can put on your housecoat.
Madelyn: Deal.

Me: Madelyn should we have fruit salad for a snack?
Madelyn: Deal.

Madelyn and I are into making "deals" lets see how long it lasts.

Monday 25 June 2012

Impromptu sprinkler

Sometimes the best times are the impromptu ones that just happen.  Like tonight, kids were laughing and having a blast.

Then into the house for a warm tubby, strawberries and Wiggles while we snuggled on the couch. Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday 24 June 2012

First official weekend of summer

We were thrilled to have Grandma Marie and Grandpa Peter come for a visit from Thursday until Saturday.  On Friday we took in the Farm Progress Show, well Mom and Dad took in the Show, Chris was working all week at it and the kids and I arrived about 3:30 to check out all the tractors, combines etc.  The kids definitely liked going to the show, Will's favourite parts were the diggers and bobcats, go figure. 

On Saturday we went to Candy Cane park for a picnic lunch. Then Grandpa Peter asked the kids if they wanted to go for ice cream, kind of a rhetorical question I think.  So we went to the Milky Way for ice cream.  Then home for naps and playing in the pool in the yard and a bbq. 

Taco Salad at the park

Cheese, I got a turn too!

Since you said Ice Cream I will hang out with you Grandpa!

Sunday morning Will slept in until gasp 7:30! I know many people do not consider that sleeping in but for a 6am guy it was amazing.  Don't worry Madelyn was up at 6:30 to make sure we were up, actually Chris got up with her so I went back to sleep until 7:30.  Only down side of Will sleeping until 7:30 was he did not nap this afternoon.  He did hang out quietly in his room for an hour but just could not fall asleep.  He came out and told me "Mom, I need to tell you something. I closed my eyes and my mouth for a long time and I just can't fall asleep." This means by evening he was a tad temperamental, although he can go without a nap, he really still needs one to be functional by the time 6:30 comes around. 

We cut down a few shrubs type trees from in front of the house, they had become overgrown, from previous owners and really just needed to come down, now we will have to get rid of the roots and plant some new shrubs or something.  Any suggestions? I am thinking something that will flower to add a bit of colour. 

The we also tried to get caught up on the normal weekend things, laundry, a bit of house cleaning, I baked some buns, we played in the yard (pool again), weeded and watered garden, all those good things to get ready for the week.

Then ended the evening curled up on the couch watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Madelyn kept climbing off the couch so she could hop hop hop like Daisy.

Loading tree the little branches, Will would hand them to Madelyn who would put them on to the truck. Mom and Dad had to take care of the big ones. Between loading branches and lady bugs the kids enjoyed this activity.  Note there may have been more then one lady bug fatality...

Elephant ears for afternoon snack.  Kids each ate a couple of bites then moved on to watermelon.  Trust me they were delicious!

Gotta love this slide!

Madelyn checking out the water.

Kids had ring pops after supper, note they were an outside treat!

Mickey Mouse snuggles!
The best part about the upcoming week is the shortness of it.  Only a 4 day work week! Sounds like a great way to start the long weekend.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Posting Comments

Since I am new to this blogging world, I have also fixed the comment section of the blog. A few people had said they tried to comment but could not without an account. This should be fixed now.   When you go to comment scroll down to the bottom and select antonymous and type in your comment, you can just type your name at the end of the comment and I will know who sent it.

I look forward to reading your comments.

Rain, rain go away

Seems like we have had cloudy, dreary, rainy weather all spring. If it is not raining it recently rained, just enough to make everything too wet for the kids to play outside (swings, sandbox, slide etc.) Mother nature the end of June is sneaking up on us and I have hardly had to pull out the sunblock. Hopefully we start to get some nice weather and soon, but not too hot ok!

So what do you do with your kids on rainy days/nights?  Typically on weekend nights we get home from work/daycare, have supper, play outside/go to the park, then come in baths and bed.

Last night we were outside for a bit and weeded part of the garden, until it started to mist and make everything wet again. Tonight we did not even venture out it was just too wet.  So what did we do:
1) Pulled out the frozen bananas and made banana bread and muffins.  This became bedtime snack. Nothing better then fresh banana bread for a bedtime snack.
2) Played with stickers, play dough and stamps.

Here are a few pictures.  We have been using stickers to teach Madelyn body parts.  She know most of the basic body parts (eye, ears, mouth, nose, chin, cheeks, hair, teeth, arms, fingers, belly button, toes, legs). Something about stickers that makes it more fun!

Checking out stickers on her hand

Pointing out her nose

Tummy stickers!

Pleased with herself, this is probably before eating play dough.

Play dough

Sunday 17 June 2012

Marcy and Chad's Wedding

We were fortunate enough to attend cousin Marcy's wedding on Saturday.  It was a beautiful day, everything was decorated beautifully, everyone looked beautiful/handsome and a great time was had by all. 

I was a tad bit skeptical on how long our kids would last, but they had so much fun and danced their heart away until after 10pm when we left.  I don't think Will sat down for the entire night and Madelyn was cruising around all night, randomly laying in the middle of the dance floor, I know we certainly all had a great time.

I have a theory on leaving events such as this before the kids go into meltdown mode.  I think we timed it just perfect.

Here are a few pictures from the day.
Attempt at a nice family picture...

Who couldn't love those faces:)

Got Daddy's wallet at the wedding!

Ok, I just really need the Credit Cards. I will go show Auntie and we can go shopping!

Just cute!

Candy Kabob.

Yes Madelyn needed one too.

Dancing with Grandma

I think Grandma may have sore arms today.

Beautiful bride with flower girl Blayke!

Madelyn doing the worm, i think...
Here are a couple of videos from the night, I uploaded them to YouTube so you should be able to click on the links below and check out the dance moves.

Enjoy and congratulations Marcy and Chad!!

Father's Day 2012

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad out there, especially mine!  I know that my dad is off doing what he enjoys, fishing.  Hope he has nice weather and catches some big fish! 

Since my kids are a bit young to do Father's day on there own here is what we did for Daddy this morning.
  1. We let him 'sleep in' till 7:30 (hahaha).
  2. Made him pancakes shaped like the letter "D".
  3. Made him a photo book where Will answered a bunch of question about Daddy, a couple highlights are:  "Daddy is super strong like Spiderman" and "Daddy like watching shows. His favourite is Mickey Mouse."
  4. We made him a candy card.  Which the kids quickly removed all the candy from.
  5. Will and Daddy are now playing wii downstairs, which according to the book is "Will's favourite thing to do with Daddy".  Madelyn is having a morning nap, Marcy and Chad's wedding (another post I may get to later on today) tuckered a little girl out! Going to bed at 10:30 and waking up at 6:30 just is not enough beauty sleep.
Here is the candy card we made.

Happy Father's Day to the best "Pop"
Please take this card in "Stride", we hope it gives you a few "crack ups"

We could not "Wish" for a better "Pop". You are a "Bounty" of knowledge and most of all fun.
Even though some days I am sure you would like us to take a "Rocket" to "Mars". We Love You!

We know you often think we should "Eat-More". Don't worry we always get a "Good & Plenty" amount of food. Especially if its "Watermelon".
Even though you need a small "Gold Mine" to raise us. we hope our "Extra" hugs make it worth the while.
Sorry we are not always in bed until "After Eight". We will try to give you extra zzzz's tonight.
Love your two little "Smarties".

"Runts" and "Sweet Tarts" card making.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Cool Clothes

This morning Will said to me "Wow Mommy! Did you ever dress Madelyn cool!" I am glad he thinks so overall I have to agree she is pretty cute!

Playing firefighter, makind a siren sound as we run around....
 Trying to keep up with Will somehow he always turns the corner before she can catch him.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Family Day (aka Sunday)

This morning we took in the Moose Jaw Western Development Museum.  The kids loved the air planes, trains and cars. Unfortunately the train was not running outside yet, I guess we will have to try going back later on in the summer to get a ride.

Flying the plane

Look at me!

In a Snowbird

Me and my cuties

Watching the trains

After the museum, we stopped at Five Guys for a lunch and then home for naps.  While the kids napped Chris had some work to do and I got ready to head to the park for a cookout.  The plan was bush pies and hot dogs with a friend of ours from university days.  Unfortunately the weather was not cooperating so we decided to have a fire at our house in case we needed to make a quick dash for the house.  It rained about 3:30 for about 15 minutes then cleared off enough to have a bonfire and cook up some goodies, we spent the whole afternoon/evening outside (4 until 7, sure to mean the kids will sleep in and we will have to wake them up for daycare tomorrow).  Kids had a blast eating bush pies, hot dogs, smores (they ate them in stages, marshmallows then graham crackers then chocolate) and playing outside (fribee, baseball, football and swinging). Overall a great day, except for a quick trip to the emergency room after nap, before the cookout, when Madelyn hurt her arm.  We are not sure what happened, doctor figures she probably dislocated her elbow and when Chris took her jacket off at the hospital it popped back in, because by the time the doctor got there she was fine.  Overall we are happy that is all it was because the poor thing sure was in a lot of pain, could not even hold her sippy cup up to take a drink. Here are some pictures from the cookout.
Mmmm, supper outside!


The men cooking

Madelyn having juice, she got a hold of the bottle Will was using so life was good!

I love this picture because they are looking at each other laughing:)
Hopefully this summer brings many more Sundays like this:)

Saturday 9 June 2012

Watermellon Cake

The kids and I made watermelon cake today.  I found the recipe on Pinterest and since it was something different we decided to give it a try.  We had fun making the cake and discussing how the mini chocolate chips were going to be the seeds, but we could eat these seeds.  The cake is good, a bit sweet, next time I will probably skip the jello and just add food colouring to the cake to make it pink.  If you want to give it a try, here is the recipe:


Here is a picture of our cake:

Finished product
Will being goofy
Again Happy Kids with the cake

Everyone enjoyed a piece of cake after supper!

 And these are just pictures of my cutie walking girl and handsome boy! She looks so grown up now, sniff sniff!

So proud of herself

From the back