Saturday 31 August 2013

Dressing Your Baby

How to tell the difference between a first, second and third child by their wardrobe.

Child #1: from 2 weeks on you dress in cute outfits because you read somewhere that this will help ensure your child keeps days nights separate. And really you have all the time in the day for wardrobe changes.

Child #2: after first month, you ensure baby is in a cute outfit when you leave the house, outside of that sleepers are fine.

Child #3: you have all the cute outfits washed ready to go, but who has time for that? They live in sleepers! Except for that one event where you put on a cute outfit and cursed at the little baby socks that kept falling off and trying to put on baby pants, conclude that next time a clean sleeper will work. Heck people should be happy all 3 of your children are clothed at the same time and semi clean...

Friday 30 August 2013


I have not been on the blog much over the last 2 weeks, Chris was in Australia, so I was keeping busy with the kids and life. I have to say I am not sure I would have survived if it was not for my one week stint out at the farm and all the help from grandparent, aunts and uncles. Cousins were also a big help, playing with Will and Madelyn!

For a laugh here are a few ways you know you are busy:
- you are doing supper dishes at 10pm because this is the first time you have not been carrying a baby since supper.
- you finally just go to the bathroom and don't care who is crying, fighting or asking for something.
- you ask your 4 year old what he wants for lunch and he says don't we have leftovers to eat up.
- when going to the bathroom at 5pm you realize you have been wearing you underwear inside out all day.
- you look in the mirror and decide everyday is a ball cap day.

Happy long weekend, we are off to pick up Daddy from the airport. I am sure one jet lagged, tired Daddy, but we will take him!

Friday 23 August 2013


It is a well documented fact that babies start smiling as a survival method! Abigail is starting to smile more and more everyday, but never for the camera. Here are a few small ones I caught on camera.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Kenosee Water Slides

Yesterday we hit up the Kenosee Waterslides. The kids had a blast! Will loved going down the big slides too but only with Mommy because she goes the fastest.

The also have little slides the kids could do all on their own.

Friday 9 August 2013

Family Picture by Will

Picture of our family by Will. He even labelled each face with a the correct name. 

Tuesday 6 August 2013

One Month

Abigail is one month old, hard to believe the month has flown by!

Right now she basically sleeps when she wants, typically her longest sleep is in the afternoon some days 4 to 5 hours. I have always struggled with what to do over the day when babies are sleeping do you wake them to feed them so they sleep more at night? Or follow the never wake a sleeping baby? Right now we are doing the latter, maybe come fall we will try the waking up but in my experience only makes for a cranky baby.

Abigail is definitely getting bigger and outgrew newborn diapers and is filling out the 0-3 month sleepers.

Will and Madelyn are so good with Abigail. They love to kiss her, snuggle her and basically be in her face way too much!

There are some definite some pros to a summer baby. It is easier to get out, don't need to worry about warming vehicles up, blankets etc. You as not as concerned about colds and flus and baby getting sick. Have longer days so sleep deprivation is not as bad as you have sunshine to brighten your day.  Of course there are cons too. You still cannot take a baby out all day and you don't feel like being out all day so you miss out on some of the summer fun, trips to the pool etc.

With that being said Abigail has been to a lot of things in her first month. The library a few times, the Queen City exhibition parade, both farms, watching her big brother and sister and cousins at swimming lessons, many trips to the park and several trips to the store, out for ice cream and supper.

Today I asked Will if he liked our family better now that Abigail was here or if he liked it before with just Madelyn as his only sister.  He said he likes our family now better, because Abigail is a nice baby.

Madelyn is always very concerned that we do not forget Abigail and always makes sure we bring her home with us.

Newborn (first day home)

1 month old

Monday 5 August 2013

Splashing in the puddles

Newest Game

Here is our newest outside game. Spray paint assorted shapes on the grass in different colours then the kids run around to find the correct shape and colour.