Sunday 19 May 2013

Planting the Garden

Planting a garden with a 2 and 4 year old is much like broadcasting your garden.  You make rows and attempt to get some seeds in them.  I guess we will gauge our success in about a week when things start coming up.

This year the kids picked corn, peas, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins and potatoes to plants.  I added a zucchini plant and beets.

Showing kids where seeds should go....

Planting cucs.

Will carefully planting, he tried very hard to space seeds as I showed him.  He actually did a great job keeping the seeds in the rows.

Getting pumpkins out of trays.  Honestly if the pumpkins survived planting they have to produce something!

Madelyn dumping out a pumpkin plant, and yes, she is planting garden in a dress, why not? And yes she is wearing sock because dirt kept getting in her sandals and hurt her feet, it was much better with just socks on.  Note to self: Oxi clean socks!

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