Monday 17 June 2013

Preschool or pre-k

I think we have finally found a preschool! We have looked at several and well I think the decision is made for a few reasons:

1. This preschool will take both Will and Madelyn in the same class.
2. Have classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This will still give us extra long weekends, with me on maternity leave this is huge!
3. No requirement for parents to help, however they do have sign up sheets for special events, you can volunteer for.
4. The teacher seems very organized, we actual got to observe part of her class. She was very open, kids seemed to like her and the kids were well behaved.
5. She does snacks, she just asked one parent each week to supply groceries, she just gives you a list (eg 12 bananas, 2 bags cheese strings and a bag ritz crackers). Pretty simple.
6. Did I mention she would take Madelyn in the same class as Will. Most preschools would not take Madelyn because she is not old enough, anyone who knows her knows she can handle preschool, or at least I think she can. With me being on maternity leave this will be great for her to stay socializing with other kids! Plus I will get 3 days a week for 2 hours to snuggle the new baby or clean my house or get groceries or heaven forbid nap!

One thing off the list to do! 


  1. The kids will love it! It sounds a lot like ours except we pack our own snack in our lunch kits. Sounds like you have a very organized teacher!

  2. Thanks Carmen! My only concern is that Will is going to miss out because his little sister is there too, but the teacher assured me she would put them in different table groups etc. I am excited for both of them!
