Tuesday 26 June 2012


Just a recap of a couple conversations from today.

Me: Will can Mommy have an extra kiss to put in her pocket and take to work for later.
Will: Mommy, you don't have any pockets in those pants.
Me: Good point, I could put it in my purse.
Will: I guess but don't lose it, your purse is pretty big.

Will: Mommy, do you remember when we seen Gainer the Gopher at the football field.
Me: Yes, I do.
Will: He was big for a gopher and stood on two legs.  I don't think gophers are supposed to stand on two legs, they stand on: one, two, three, four legs.
Me: Yes, Will you are right.
Will: Gainer the Gopher would not fit in Rusty's mouth.
Me: No but why would Gainer be in Rusty's mouth?
Will: because Rusty likes to eat gophers.
Me: Oh I see.
Will: I did not want to hug Gainer.
Me: Why not? Maybe if we see Gainer again you can hug him.
Will: No Mommy gophers are yucky.  I don't ever want to hug Gainer.

Will (sees a squirrel): Mommy I think I just saw Chip and Dale's friend.
Me: Really..
Will: Yes, or maybe it was Chip or Dale.
Me: Oh, I think it was probably their friend.
Will: I think you are right Mommy.

Me: Madelyn should we have a tubby then a snack?
Madelyn: Deal

Me: Madelyn let's put your jammies on then you can put on your housecoat.
Madelyn: Deal.

Me: Madelyn should we have fruit salad for a snack?
Madelyn: Deal.

Madelyn and I are into making "deals" lets see how long it lasts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I think the comment thing worked.
    What a good "deal"
