Wednesday 11 July 2012

18 Months

Madelyn is 18 months old today! Once again I am posting about where the time has gone... 

She has definitely moved out of babyhood and into toddler hood! Hard to believe our baby is not so much a baby anymore. 

A summary of Madelyn at 18 months:
  • She has a mind of her own!
  • She is stubborn! When she gets something into her head she will not let it go.  Will was always way easier to distract at this age, not Maddie! 
  • Madelyn is definitely a Mommy's girl! She always wants Mommy right there and Mommy to help her.  If I am not around she is fine to let someone else but only if Mommy is no where to be found.
  • She is a tease! Especially with Grandpa Peter. 
  • She is generally a good eater.  She eats most foods.  She loves noodles or any form of noodles making spaghetti and meat sauce one of her favourite meals.  She loves watermelon, raspberries and blueberries.  Her favourite veggies are frozen peas, stir fried broccoli and cucumbers.
  • Madelyn has 7 teeth. That right still only 7 teeth.  She is a late teether and slow teether.  Everyone tells me this is a good thing as she will have better teeth as an adult, I guess we will see.  Despite he lack of teeth she still eat everything including fruit leather, gummies, pieces of apple, so I think she is fine.
  • She is starting to talk a lot! Just today she was saying 3 word sentences e.g. "Will dump out", "Mommy snack please".  I love listening to her chatter away, she is starting to sing as well for example she will sing the words "twinkle twinkle" or " Home, home-home, home" (for home on the range).
  • She loves dogs! Big dogs, little dogs, in the house, outside, she loves them all.
  • Although she does not have much interest in sitting and watching tv.  She know a lot of the shows that Will watches.  Her favourites are The Wiggles and Toodles (aka Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).  She is also a fan of Benjamin Bear, as this is what come on at 7:30 week nights and the show that is on before they go to bed.
  • She is starting to get more efficient at walking (only been walking for about 6 weeks ).  She has no real interest in climbing things (e.g. on to the couch etc.) she would much rather let someone help her out.
  • Madelyn loves to sit.  She can often be found sitting on the bottom stair watching Will run in circles drinking her water.
  • She is a good sleeper, we rarely hear a peep out of her when we put her down for a nap or bed and generally sleeps 8-6:30 then an hour and half to two hour nap.  Her waking up times are often directly related to how loud her brother is!
  • She loves her brother and is always taking him things, such as his water cup, a toy etc.  She needs to have whatever he has, this often ends up in a fight! Let's just say they have a typical sibling love-hate relationship.  Still you know they love each other as they are often found giving hugs and kisses.  If Will is not with her she is definitely asking for him and where he is.
  • Madelyn likes to play with stickers, colour and play dough, although can often be found eating the latter two if unsupervised.
  • She loves pretties in her hair (aka pony tails or pig tails) and will tell you if she wants one or two when you are putting them in. On a side note apparently hair is a Mommy job because the other day Madelyn come out of her room with pony holders going Mommy pretties.  Daddy had got her dressed but was not tackling the hair!
  • Madelyn loves to pick out her own clothes.  If there are clothes out she will outfit change in the middle of the day.  Her favourite shirt has been a puppy shirt we got from cousin Grace, which is now stained and well worn.  After Fort McMurray the new pink dump truck shirt Uncle bought for her may become the new favourite! She would not let that shirt out of her sight after she got it!
  • She has started to distinguish colours and definitely knows red and blue. She will pick up a red crayon and tell you red. She also says pink, purple, yellow, green but they are more so copying you when you tell her what colour they are. 
  • She loves water, baths, swimming pools etc.
Madelyn has a cutest smile, with dimples and a giggle that can fill a room. 

Happy 18 month birthday baby girl!

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