Sunday 23 September 2012

Fading Nap

Nap time is fading in our house, this has become apparent over the last month or so.  Most days we still get a nap but there is more and more protest to the concept of a nap, in fact many days at breakfast Will is explaining to us what he needs to do over nap time so he just cannot nap.

Is this partially our fault? Possibly, since he started to not to nap everyday we have taken that approach that some days it is just easier to not make nap time a priority, for example when we are at the farm, the guys are combining, why not let a little boy be out there farming. 

Should he still nap everyday? Probably, we can generally tell days when he has not napped as the evening can get a bit challenging.... I think this word better then others I could use.

But the bottom line is, you cannot force a child to sleep, only give them the opportunity.  We have mandatory nap/quiet time at home (different rules always apply at Grandma and Grandpas house).  Must go to room and be quiet until 2:00.  If Will is not sleeping by 2 then we have taken the stance a nap is not going to happen on said day and he gets to come out and play quietly or watch a show until Madelyn wakes up.  Until we consistently do not get nap or quiet time in the room turning into a monkey jumping on the bed we will continue with quiet time. 

I have to say I have mixed emotions about the loss of nap time.  In one way it will be nice to be able to do things over the afternoon with just Will, but on the other hand since Madelyn still definitely needs that nap it is so much easier if they both nap, especially since we have to be home for her nap. 

I think I will have to hit up the dollar store for some activity books which may become part of quiet time for Will in the upcoming months. 

As I type this is it 1:45 and I still hear thumping coming for the room, I am thinking today is one of those non-nap days. Hopefully we still have a cooperative little boy tonight!

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