Sunday 15 September 2013

The Post About Sleep

Just imagine if every baby and child received 10 to 12 hrs of solid sleep a night. Next imagine of every adult got 8 hours of solid sleep a night. What a wonderful world it would be.  This is not the case in our household.

Well Will and Maddy typically get 10 hours of sleep per night.  Abigail had been sleeping fairly good as in up once or twice a night. However, since her two month shots she has been up almost every hour after her first stretch of sleep which is typically 9:30 to 1:00. Yes, we have been seeing every hour from 1:00 in the morning until we are up for the day. I use the royal we but basically me, even if Chris tries to help she just yells at him. If I go in she nurses for less than five minutes I hold her for another 15 or so to make sure she is asleep then lay her down ever so carefully and repeat an hour later.

Here is to hoping that she returns to getting up once or twice a night. That I can deal with, until then we will continue to live in our sleep deprived state as much of the world does.

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